Hi again!
The blog will work in the following way: I will update regularly on how the plants are growing, things that I have built, other projects that I have etc. BUT, that's not all!
I'm also going to post tips such as other bloggers, funny videos about farming, or other things for that matter, and maybe even some fun things about my country, Sweden! Who knows! (;
Enough about that, let's talk about cultivating chili peppers! As I have mentioned earlier, I live in Sweden, and if you know anything about Sweden, it's probably the fact that it's pretty cold and dark, for a long period of time per year! So how do you cultivate a lightloving crop like chili peppers, in Sweden?
First of all
you have to start early! I'll be starting very soon, so that they'll be ready when the spring comes, and for the move outdoors!
But now it's winter and dark, how do you start growing anything at all? Well, you need extra light of course! How many hours per day is hard to say, and depends on what kind of lighting you use, but I'll probably have it on for about 12 hours a day, about.. 30 cm above the plants! This is probably a good idea for other countries as well, to give the chili plants a good start so that you can harvest much when they are fully grown! :) I have bought my lighting today, and
here is some pics:
What's all this then?
Well I'm very happy with this! It's a 2 * 36 W armature with two 36 W T8 flourescent. They have 3000+ Lumen eatch, and 6500 Kelvin. Kelvin is the color temperature, and 6500 Kelvin is great for when the plants are growing, so that's just what you should be looking for! Lumen is just a measurement of the light amount, and the total of 6000 Lumen is ALOT.
Cheap as chips really, and lots and lots of light! I'll be showing you just how I put this up very soon (christmas lights there at the moment..)
So now you know what kind of lights I will be using, and a little bit about how you should think when it comes to lighting! If there is anything you want to ask me or just say ''Hi'', please leave a comment! I'll post an update soon, when I've bought pots and so on!
See you then, and thank you for reading! See you soon! /Niklas!