fredag 31 december 2010

2700 Kelvin vs 6500 Kelvin! :)

Hej, bara en snabb liten kul uppdatering, lyset är nämligen inte helt klart än!

Ville bara visa en rätt ball bild jag tog, med ett lysrör på 2700 Kelvin och ett på 6500 Kelvin! Kommer helt klart köra på 6500 K, bäst i veggfasen som brajodlarna säger! ^^ :)

Och ja, jag är redo att fira nyår! :)

Belysningen lär vara uppe nån gång efter firandet imorgon antar jag, så ta det försiktigt så hörs vi! :) /Niklas!

onsdag 29 december 2010

Excited today! :)

Hi boys and girls!

Very excited today, my ''rigg'' for the lighting that the plants is going to grow under is nearly ready! Cable, switch and everything else is ready so there will be an update on my lighting very soon!

AND there might also be a huge update about the seeds as well! I have been contacted by a very, very kind man, who may send me some very cool seeds! :)

But now it's time for the great TV-show ''Bonde söker fru'' on Swedish television!

Stay tuned, a light-update is just around the corner! :)


PS. Been playing Nintendo 64 all day long; sore thumbs! :( Hahaha!

tisdag 28 december 2010

Teaser.. (;

Seeds! <3

Relaxing after Christmas.. :)


I just have to remind you all that it's OK to take time just for yourself, and for me that means playing videogames! I had a really fun time with the boys yesterday, playing this wonderful Nintendo 64, for many hours! I have to say, that if you haven't played Nintendo 64, you haven't lived to the fullest yet.. ;)

We also saw Inception! What a GREAT movie it was, and I have never seen anything like it before! Amazing, and I really recommend seeing it!

Enjoy this untill next time!

söndag 26 december 2010

Now you can choose your own language!

Just a quick new update! I have placed a translater to the right of the blog, where you can choose your countries flag, and get the texts in your own language! Very nice, it's not perfect but it works! :)

So go ahead and try it! /Niklas!

I almost forgot, the peppers!!

Just a quick look at the peppers that are already growing. I just took seeds from a red pepper that we bought in the supermarket, planted them and here they are:

I have them in an old aquarium! I've covered the sides with glossy white paper so it reflects the light, and at the same time it is for keeping the light from lighting up my whole room all day long! Lighting: 17 W LE, about 900 Lumen, Kelvin: unknown. This is VERY much an experiment, if this works, everyone can grow it! I just took some seeds and planted them into a random soil that we had, and so far so good! :)

That's all for now, see you soon! /Niklas!

The very first update! Lighting!!

Hi again!

The blog will work in the following way: I will update regularly on how the plants are growing, things that I have built, other projects that I have etc. BUT, that's not all! 
 I'm also going to post tips such as other bloggers, funny videos about farming, or other things for that matter, and maybe even some fun things about my country, Sweden! Who knows! (;

Enough about that, let's talk about cultivating chili peppers! As I have mentioned earlier, I live in Sweden, and if you know anything about Sweden, it's probably the fact that it's pretty cold and dark, for a long period of time per year! So how do you cultivate a lightloving crop like chili peppers, in Sweden?

First of all you have to start early! I'll be starting very soon, so that they'll be ready when the spring comes, and for the move outdoors!

But now it's winter and dark, how do you start growing anything at all? Well, you need extra light of course! How many hours per day is hard to say, and depends on what kind of lighting you use, but I'll probably have it on for about 12 hours a day, about.. 30 cm above the plants! This is probably a good idea for other countries as well, to give the chili plants a good start so that you can harvest much when they are fully grown! :) I have bought my lighting today, and here is some pics:

What's all this then?
Well I'm very happy with this! It's a 2 * 36 W armature with two 36 W T8 flourescent. They have 3000+ Lumen eatch, and 6500 Kelvin. Kelvin is the color temperature, and 6500 Kelvin is great for when the plants are growing, so that's just what you should be looking for! Lumen is just a measurement of the light amount, and the total of 6000 Lumen is ALOT.

Cheap as chips really, and lots and lots of light! I'll be showing you just how I put this up very soon (christmas lights there at the moment..)  

So now you know what kind of lights I will be using, and a little bit about how you should think when it comes to lighting! If there is anything you want to ask me or just say ''Hi'', please leave a comment! I'll post an update soon, when I've bought pots and so on! 

See you then, and thank you for reading! See you soon! /Niklas!

Hi and welcome to my blog! First, a little about me and the purpose of the blog!

Hi guys!

My name is Niklas and this is my very first blog, ever! The subject of this blog is probably pretty obvious when you read the name, I guess? Basically, it will be about my way of cultivating chili (and other crops) from scratch, and hopefully showing people that anyone can do it, and take inspiration from seeing how I do it! :) 

The idea started when I was searching the web for a guide about chili cultivating, and did not find anything! ''What a shame'' I thought, I'll have to do something about this! And now, I finally have done just that!

Another thing you probably already noticed is that I'm writing in english, when I come from Sweden. Strange? The answer to that is simple. There are few people talking about chili cultivating on the web and if I would be writing in swedish then there would be even fewer would be able to take benefit from it. BUT, now you can pick your own language to the right, by pressing on your flag. The translation is not perfect but it works! :)

You will also see a herbgarden being planted when the spring comes, when I grow tomatoes and cucumbers in pots, how I cultivate garlic, and I will maybe even try to cultivate potatoes in buckets! This + much more! (Maybe even eating some really hot chilipeppers.)

So there you have it, that was a little info about me and the purpose of the blog. I'll be starting right away with showing you what I have bought today for the project, and a status check on the bellpeppers that are already growing! So I will see you in a moment!

Please leave a comment, now you can choose ''Anonymous'' if you don't have an account! :)

Byyyye! :) /Niklas!